En prière
Emile Delpérée, 1885 (oil on canvas)
Conditions for use of images:
- The name of the photographer and/or maker must always be mentioned.
- Duplication and commercial use are not permitted.
If you have questions, please contact the communications department

In de Kamperpolder
Paul Joseph Constatin Gabriël, 1880-1887 (oil on canvas)
Conditions for use of images:
- The name of the photographer and/or maker must always be mentioned.
- Duplication and commercial use are not permitted.
If you have questions, please contact the communications department

Grauwe dag
Frederik Nachtweh, 1873-1896 (oil on canvas)
Conditions for use of images:
- The name of the photographer and/or maker must always be mentioned.
- Duplication and commercial use are not permitted.
If you have questions, please contact the communications department

Spelende Katjes
Henriëtte Ronner-Knip, 1894 (oil on canvas)
Conditions for use of images:
- The name of the photographer and/or maker must always be mentioned.
- Duplication and commercial use are not permitted.
If you have questions, please contact the communications department