For clarity purposes, the translation has been subdivided into the different clauses found in Table 1 on page 22. Within the table, the corresponding line numbers to each clause apply to the transcription of the treaty in appendix 1.

To all those who will read and hear these words, be saved William, count of Hainaut, of Holland, of Zeeland and Lord of Friesland, and Louis, count of Flanders and of Nevers. May they have knowledge of the truth. May it be known what has been decided concerning all disagreements, the rancour, the insults and controversies, the wars, requests of money, about the allegiances and fealty of the land, about lordships and other decisions that have been reached on the day this treaty has been sealed by us, William, count of Hainaut, Holland, and Lord of Friesland, our predecessors, our heirs, our subjects, our lands, our helpers and allies, and by us, Louis and our predeceased counts of Flanders, our heirs, our subjects, our lands, our helpers and allies. Through our people and common friends, we have written down quittance, renunciation and release of that what follows.

1 First and foremost, as our ancestors and us Louis of Flanders decided and maintained, our beloved cousin the count of Hainaut, Holland, Zeeland and Lord of Friesland has not to do homage for any island or part of the land of Zeeland. May it be accepted by all that we Louis of Flanders, as well as our heirs, our successors and for all those that might be the beneficiary of the abovementioned homage for the property and the demesne at any point in time, release, abandon and distance ourselves from these lands in favour of the count of Hainaut and of Holland, his heirs and his successors. We also promise that we, our heirs and our successors will bring protection to our cousin the count of Hainaut and Holland, his heirs and his successors against the count of Namur and his men and all those that might be in his service. Moreover, all letters, means, charters or acts that make reference to the abovementioned, we promise to renounce to them and consider them to be of no value.

2 Once more, as our predecessor and us count of Flanders decided and maintained that by the death of the count John of Holland, Zeeland and Lord of Friesland, son of count Floris whose soul rests with God, his goods, castles and lands rightfully belong to us as well as possessions from John of Renesse. It shall be known by all that all counties and lands of Holland, of Zeeland and of Friesland, and the belongings, whatever they might be and by whatever means they might have come into our possession must and shall remain the possession of our beloved abovementioned cousin the count of Hainaut and Holland, to his heirs and his successors without question or reclamation by us, our heirs or successors, or any other pretender on the basis of our rights or those of our predecessors.

3 Once more, we, Louis of Flanders and Nevers absolve and forgive all debts, obligations or any sum of money that our beloved abovementioned count of Hainaut, Holland and Zeeland, or any of his ancestors, were partially or fully indebted to us or to our predecessors. And the heirs or those in his will shall not be able to request any of the abovementioned to our cousin of Hainaut or his heirs. And all letters and obligations that are made by us or by others under our command will be annulled and have no value. This also counts for us, count of Hainaut and Holland, and all our heirs and successors as we annul and renounce to all obligations made to the count of Flanders and to his heirs and successors.

4 Moreover, it shall be known that as we, count of Hainaut and Holland, and our ancestors whose souls rest with God, have decided and maintained that the lands of the counties of Alost, Grammont, Waise and Quatre-Métiers belonged and must belong to us after several judgements and confirmations. As an act of goodwill by us, our heirs and our successors, we fully and completely renounce to the abovementioned inheritance and to all its belongings. Also, no rights or reasons for war shall remain attached to these claims. We renounce to these claims forever without ever request or reclaim anything back; not by us nor by anyone else. And all acts, sentences, confirmations and judgements by the Kings of Germany or by the Electors, or other any other forces, we promise to deliver them to our beloved abovementioned cousin of Flanders. And from now on we renounce to them and consider them of no value for us, our heirs and our successors. And it shall greatly please us, count Louis of Flanders, that our beloved cousin the count of Hainaut shall appear together with us before the King of Germany without any premeditated ruses. And so, we will renounce to our duty of homage on the county of Zeeland before the said King, and also on all claims that we or our predecessors may have on the lands of Holland, Zeeland and Friesland.

5 Also, we count of Hainaut and Holland renounce entirely, as well in name of our heirs, to the royalties from the fiefdom of Cambrai so we will not have any rights or claims on it and will forever fully remain in possession of our cousin, the count of Flanders above-mentioned, as well as to his heirs.

6 In addition, we concorded and shall concord with Jehan of Flanders about the lands of Crèvecoeur, Arleux and the lordship of Cambrai. The abovementioned will remain his peacefully forever after when granted to him.

7 Once more as we, the counts abovementioned, have the greatest desire to take away all sources of conflict and controversy that could exist between us and our people, we have decided to appoint and elect six ‘good men’. They will swear an oath on the holy gospel to fulfill their duties faithfully and loyally and decide on the ownership of the lordships of Flobecq and Lessines. What shall be decided to belong to Hainaut, will belong to the county of Hainaut. And what shall be decided to belong to the count of Flanders, will belong to the county of Flanders. This being declared, the six ‘good men’ abovementioned will loyally demarcate the lordships of Flobecq and Lessines without the counties of Hainaut, Flanders and Alost. Also, the six ‘valiant men’ will loyally demarcate the woods of La Louvière in the lands of the Dendre, lands that were bought by the provost of Nivelle, the lands of Maude, and the lands that belonged to monseigneur Gerard de Saint Amant. And the six ‘good men’ after entering a lordship will only be able to be dismissed after everything has been fully and loyally demarcated. And after this is done, they will have three days to enter another lordship or township and start their work as soon as the first hour. And this shall be done in every lordship and in every place up until all demarcation has been loyally done. And if it were to happen that before any demarcation could be done, the six ‘good men’ were to trespass these condition, or leave the lands, or act disloyally, the responsible party is bound by oath to elect new ‘good men’ without any ruse nor fraud. And, bound by oath to fulfill their work dutifully and loyally, the six ‘good men’ will be kept in check by the abovementioned parties. And to illustrate the importance of the results of the ‘good men’s’ work, we, the abovementioned parties, swear an oath on the holy gospel that we shall not debate or challenge what has been demarcated by them. All debate will remain in the hands of the six ‘good men’ who will reach a judgement after their work. And during this time, us, the abovementioned counts, will not and cannot influence or decide on the work in progress.

8 Once more, we, the abovementioned counts have decided and solemnly sworn that if discord would happen between us or our heirs, none of the abovesaid shall be neglected. Not us, nor our heirs will be able to wage war over what has been decided by the six people, three from one side, three from the other, or three from the full group of six. And in the occasion where any of the abovementioned six people were to decease, the party that is responsible for the said person is to be held responsible for the election of other ‘good men’ within the month after it became known to the said party. And the six people will solemnly swear to fulfill their duties well and loyally. And us, parties abovementioned, in name of ourselves, our heirs, and our successors swear from now on to respect the decision reached by the six or three ‘valiant men’. And we promise by our oaths to oblige those chosen by us, count of Hainaut, to Ath, and those chosen by us, count of Flanders, to Geralmont within fifteen days if conflict arises between two from Hainaut and two from Geralmont. And in case of a conflict, we count of Hainaut shall call our three chosen ones to come to (Oud-) Rilland, and we, count of Flanders shall call our three chosen ones to Saeftinghe, where they shall remain until the conflict is solved. And they will only leave once there is no day gone by where there was conflict between any of them.

9 Moreover, it shall be known that we, the abovementioned counts have decided that all lands, fiefdoms, inheritances, or other goods that may have come into possession to those banished from Holland or Zeeland, or that have been granted to us, the count of Flanders or to our predecessors shall remain the possession of the count of Hainaut and Holland, and to his heirs, and successors for ever and ever. And possessions must be restored by us, the count of Flanders. And for all that has been said here above, we, William count of Hainaut, have promised to give and pay to our cousin the count of Flanders thirty thousand livres parisis. The quarter of this sum, seven thousand five hundred livres parisis, will be due before Christmas Day of the year 1323, and the next quarter will be due before the next Christmas Day. And this shall occur until the entirety of the sum has been paid. And if those who are banished were to access and enter the lands and the lordships of said count of Hainaut, Holland, Zeeland and Friesland, we Louis, nor our successors, nor our lands will intervene in things that are under authority of our cousin the count of Hainaut and his successors, unless there’s any fraud.

10 In addition, we have decided that those in Valenciennes who have sworn allegiance to us, the count of Flanders, or our predecessors, shall be compensated for the losses they have suffered during the wars of Flanders. They will be allowed in to Valenciennes only if they respect the law, and if this is not the case, the access to the rest of the county of Hainaut will be refused to them.

11 In addition, in order to make peace flourish between us and our lands, and in order to remove any possibility of doubt, we have decided that we, the abovementioned counts, that our heirs will not be able to have one’s subjects swear their allegiance to the other. And if it were to happen that a banished subject from the lands or lordships from the count of Hainaut, Holland, Zeeland or Friesland were to enter the lands of us, the count of Flanders, we will have the duty to support them and to subject them to the same justice as they would have been subjected to in the lands from which they have been banished. [f.62.v] And it shall be through the same means that we, count William, shall proceed for those banished from the lands of Flanders.

12 In addition, we declare that none of the rightful nation of Flanders shall inherit any of the lands belonging to us, count of Hainaut, Holland, Zeeland and Friesland. The lands occupied during the war between Flanders and our lands abovementioned, will be returned as how they were before they were occupied. The lands that were gifted away or sold by us count William shall be exempted and can be sold back to us before next Easter. And it shall be through the same means that the rightful nation of Hainaut, Holland, Zeeland and Friesland shall give back the lands that rightfully belong to the count of Flanders.

13 Moreover, we have decided that every merchant and all tradeable goods will have free way over land and waters as long as the law is respected, and the customs paid. And we acquit one another from any liabilities that are the result of the wars that happened between us.

14 And amongst all other things said before, we, counts Louis and William shall guarantee to protect each other’s honour, and help and protect one another against all those that could cause us harm, except against our lord, the King of France. And for all things said before, we Louis and William, our heirs, and our successors, promise to respect every aspect of this treaty as they are written down. And we renounce to all that has driven us apart in the past in order for our heirs and successors to never doubt or put into question what has been decided in this treaty. And in order to avoid any wars and conflicts in the future, we have requested our good cities to seal this treaty too. That is, the cities of Valenciennes, Mons, Maubeuge, Binche, Dordrecht, Zierikzee, Middelburg, Delft, Leiden and Harlem for us, count William, and the cities of Ghent, Bruges and Ypres for us, count Louis. And if it were to occur that rancour or controversy came to exist between us, our heirs, and our successors or our lands, this treaty shall prevail and trespassing its rulings will be breaking the oath. And we, all the cities abovementioned declare that the treaty, the peace between the parties and all things mentioned here above have been decided with our counsel and agreement. And we promise to keep its promises for us and our successors. And if controversy were to exist between the abovementioned lords, we promise to not participate in said wars but to offer counsel and assistance to our lord and to find a way to bring back the peace as our lords have requested from us. And so, to ensure all that has been said will be upheld, we, William and Louis seal this letter in testimony of truth. And we request to every town abovementioned to seal this letter next to ours. And we, all towns abovementioned request the abovementioned lords to seal this letter next to ours. Written and sealed in Paris on “Miquareme” (March 19), year of the lord 1322.

Received and approved by the lord of Flanders and those present in his council my lord of Saint Marc, sir Guy of Flanders, sir Eustre de Conflans, advocatus of Therouanne, my lord of Masmines, my lord of Gaure, sir John of Oestbourch, sir Philip of la Polle, sir John of Basoches and G. Granant. L. Donchery.