Financial contributions, big or small, are very welcome, as are special additions to our collection. Management and conservation of the collection costs time and money. The Zeeuws Museum therefore retains the right not to accept proposed gifts of works of art. Even in these cases, we greatly value your support.

ways of donating funds

  • One-off or periodical donations by means of an agreement or notarial act. Tax benefits are usually greater with periodical donations.
  • Establish your own fund. With donations of €50,000 or more you can determine the aims and the name of the fund. You will, of course, be personally involved in deciding how your funds are spent.

ways of gifting objects

  • Gifting an object or donating an artwork in lieu of inheritance tax. The Collections team at the Zeeuws Museum will determine whether the object meets the necessary conditions.
  • If you own an artwork or historical object and would like to give it a place in the Zeeuws Museum, please send us an e-mail.


You can include the Zeeuws Museum in your will. Options include:

  • You can assign a portion of your estate to the Zeeuws Museum
  • A bequest: a certain sum of money or movable or immovable property from your estate will be assigned to the Zeeuws Museum
  • A fund in your name: from €50,000 you can establish a fund in your own name.
  • Name the Zeeuws Museum as an heir and stipulate that the museum assigns (part of) your inheritance to a specially established fund. You can also oblige the Zeeuws Museum to make remittances to third parties.

Procedure for bequests

If you wish to bequeath a special object to the Zeeuws Museum you should include it in your will or in a codicil to your will that meets the following requirements:

  • it should be handwritten by the person making the bequest;
  • it should be dated;
  • it must be signed by the person making the bequest;
  • it must specifically name the pieces to be bequeathed;
  • the original codicil must be sent to the notary who keeps the will; you should keep a copy together with your own copy of the will; you can also send a copy to the beneficiary.

Example of a codicil


All donations may be paid into the following account:

NL57RABO0131178822 in the name of the Zeeuwse Museumstichting. The KvK number is: 41113115.

As a charity, the Zeeuws Museum is fully exempted from paying gift or inheritance tax and 100% of your donation will be used to benefit the museum.

If your gift is outlines in a periodical agreement or notarial act you need to quote the museum’s RSIN (formerly fiscal number): 0029.17.956.

For more information about the possibilities please fill our contactform.