Hopefully the period when we were unable to meet each other because of the coronavirus is finally behind us. During that time, we have all experienced what it is like to live apart from at least some of our loved ones. What has that involuntary isolation taught us about ourselves? Have our relationships changed?

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From 2021, the Zeeuws Museum is looking for ways to tackle loneliness. One way is to discuss the subject openly and break the taboo that surrounds it.

In this first project of the four-year programme eenZM, we are looking at artworks that have taken on a new meaning due to the pandemic. The artworks themselves have not changed, but our experiences of the past eighteen months mean that we look at them differently.

We use these artworks to have a conversation about feelings of loneliness and about the importance for our health of social interactions. Parts of those conversations can be heard in this exhibition. The first work we are reflecting on is the video work De Profundis (2014, Zeeuws Museum collection) which Koen Hauser and Maarten Spruyt made seven years ago for the exhibition In the Dark. How do we look at this installation now?

Are you interested in talking with us? Keep an eye on our website and social media channels for the latest news.